

There are three kinds of resources, Link,Model and Dropdown, all are inherited from fastapi_admin.resources.Resource.

You should use app.register decorator to register a resource.

And all icons define come from https://tabler-icons.io and https://fontawesome.com.

Link just display a menu with a link.

from fastapi_admin.app import app
from fastapi_admin.resources import Link

class Home(Link):
    label = "Home"
    icon = "fas fa-home"
    url = "/admin"


Field is the object that Model use, which define how a field display and input.

class AdminResource(Model):
    fields = [
        Field(name="email", label="Email", input_=inputs.Email()),
            input_=inputs.Image(null=True, upload=upload),

You can pass str or Field to fields, if is str, it will try to auto mapping display and input widget, such as displays.Boolean for BooleanField, inputs.Date for DateField.

All kind of widgets you can find in Display and Input.


The Action define the action display in every end of row, and bulk action for every model.

By default there are two actions, Which are delete action and edit action, and one bulk action, which allow delete rows in bulk.

To use that, you should override the get_actions and get_bulk_actions. The following example hide all default actions with return empty list.

class AdminResource(Model):
    async def get_actions(self, request: Request) -> List[Action]:
        return []

    async def get_bulk_actions(self, request: Request) -> List[Action]:
        return []


The class that model.get_compute_fields used.

class ComputeField(BaseModel):
    label: str
    name: str

    async def get_value(self, request: Request, obj: dict):
        return obj.get(self.name)

What you need to do is just override the get_value method.

class RestDays(ComputeField):
    async def get_value(self, request: Request, obj: dict):
        days = (obj.get(self.name) - date.today()).days
        return days if days >= 0 else 0


The class that mode.get_toolbar_actions used.

class ToolbarAction(Action):
    class_: Optional[str]


Model is the core resource, which make TortoiseORM model as a menu and display a data table with create, update, and delete.

class AdminResource(Model):
    label = "Admin"
    model = Admin
    page_pre_title = "admin list"
    page_title = "Admin Model"
    filters = [
            placeholder="Search for username",
        filters.Date(name="created_at", label="CreatedAt"),


  • label: The menu name display.
  • model: TortoiseORM model.
  • page_pre_title: Show page pre title in content.
  • page_title: Show page title in content.
  • filters: Define filters for the model, which will display filter inputs in table above, all kinds of filters you can find in Filter.


You can add extra attributes to each row by use row_attributes.

class ConfigResource(Model):
    async def row_attributes(self, request: Request, obj: dict) -> dict:
        if obj.get("status") == enums.Status.on:
            return {"class": "bg-green text-white"}
        return await super().row_attributes(request, obj)

The example above will add the css class = "bg-green text-white" for the row which status = enums.Status.on.


You can add extra attributes to each column by use column_attributes.

class LogResource(Model):
    async def column_attributes(self, request: Request, field: Field) -> dict:
        if field.name == "content":
            return {"class": "w-50"}
        return await super().column_attributes(request, field)

The example above will add the css class = "w-50" for the column which content.


Same as row_attributes but for the cell, you can add extra attributes to cell depends on the row object and column field.

class AdminResource(Model):
    async def cell_attributes(self, request: Request, obj: dict, field: Field) -> dict:
        if field.name == "id":
            return {"class": "bg-danger text-white"}
        return await super().cell_attributes(request, obj, field)


In some cases we need show some extra fields which are computed from other fields, you can use get_compute_fields.

class SponsorResource(Model):
    async def get_compute_fields(self, request: Request) -> List[ComputeField]:
        return [RestDays(name="invalid_date", label="Days Remaining")]


Show toolbar actions top right of the table.

class CategoryResource(Model):
    async def get_toolbar_actions(self, request: Request) -> List[ToolbarAction]:
        actions = await super().get_toolbar_actions(request)
        return actions

The dropdown resource just contains Link and Model resource, and which can be nested.

class Content(Dropdown):
    label = "Content"
    icon = "fas fa-bars"
    resources = [ProductResource, CategoryResource]

最后更新: July 7, 2023 09:36:36